Q: Can I use TimberLuxe on antique furniture as well?

A: Yes! Some of our best feedback has come from users applying it to antique furniture. In many cases the original finish does not need to be stripped, simply add TimberLuxe to the surface of the original finish. The pictures of the oak table and cedar chest in our gallery are after one application of TimberLuxe to the original finish.


Q: How much will a 2 ounce jar finish?

A: In our experience, from raw wood (5-6 coats): 6-7 one piece rifle stocks, 9-12 two piece sets

                                  on top of original finish (2-3 coats): 1 piece of average size furniture, 30-40 gunstocks


Q: What is the shelf life of TimberLuxe?

A: If unopened, it will last several years. Once the lid comes off and the finish is exposed to oxygen, you need to use it in 2-3 weeks. The finish will start to turn into a jelly/marmalade substance, which is still usable at this point. At some point it may become too thick to spread. We recommend cleaning the threads of the jar/lid after every use to keep it from gluing itself shut.


Q: Can I buy TimberLuxe in a larger size?

A: Not at this time. We use the 2 ounce jar as we find it the optimum size for ensuring ease of application and finish quality.


Q: How do I apply TimberLuxe? Is it safe to get on my hands?

A: We like to apply it using simply our fingers/hands. This reduces waste and easily washes off with soap and water or mineral spirits. Plus it smells good!


Q: Do atmospheric conditions affect the drying time of TimberLuxe?

A: Yes. Cooler temperatures and high humidity slow the drying time. Optimum conditions are above 75° F and humidity below 40-50%. The humidity must be controlled to prevent frustration.


Q: How long do I wait between coats of TimberLuxe?

A: With the right atmospheric conditions, 1-2 days. Typically 1 day is long enough.